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How to create AI Presentations on Simplified

Learn how to make presentations using our AI

KD Deshpande avatar
Written by KD Deshpande
Updated over a year ago

With Simplified you can generate entire presentations in seconds. All you have to do is follow these simple steps:

1- From your Simplified Dashboard, click on AI Presentation

Click on AI Presentation

2- Select the presentation format by clicking the pencil icon to the right of Presentation Standard, below Select Size. Then, click on the desired size

  • Presentation Standard will generate slides in the 16x9 format (standard slide size)

  • Presentation Carousel will generate slides in the 1x1 format (square, ideal for social media carousels, for example)

Click on edit
Click on Presentation Standard…

3- Complete the prompt by adding the topic. The topic you input on this field will determine and guide the AI when it's generating your presentation.

Type "Importance of streamlined workflows for agencies"

4- Toggle the Advanced Options button on to select the number of results, creativity level and output language. This step is optional, and can be skipped.

Click on Advanced options…

5- Click the yellow Generate button.

Click on Generate

6- You presentation will be generated. You can edit the design, text, images, by using the tools and assets available on the left side menu and the top menu.

Click on My assets…
Click on ARTBOARD 11

7- To share your presentation or add guests, click the Share button on the top side part of your screen.

Click on Share

8- To preview your presentation, click the Eye Icon button on the top side part of your screen.

Click on highlight

9- To export your presentation, click the Export button on the top side part of your screen and select the format.

Click on Export
Click on menu

That's it!

If you still have questions, check our tutorial videos on Simplified Academy, or contact us via customer support.

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