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How to solve upload errors on AI Clips

Troubleshooting issues with uploading video to AI Clips via drag and drop or links

KD Deshpande avatar
Written by KD Deshpande
Updated over a year ago

There could be several reasons why your video upload to AI Clips is failing. Here are some common issues and how to troubleshoot them:

1. File size is too large

Simplified has a file size limit for video uploads, which varies depending on your plan. If your video file is larger than the limit allowed by your plan, the upload will fail.

To resolve this issue, you can either:

  • Upload a smaller file that is within the size limit of your plan.

  • Upgrade to the Video Pro or Business plan, which allows for larger file sizes. You can view the details and upgrade your plan here.

2. Google Drive link failed

If you're trying to upload a video from Google Drive and it fails, it could be due to the download authorization or the General Access settings of the file.

To troubleshoot this issue:

  • Ensure that you have the necessary download authorization for the Google Drive file.

  • Check the file's General Access settings. It should be set to "Anyone with the link".

3. YouTube link failed

If you're trying to upload a video from YouTube and it fails, it could be due to the video's privacy settings.

To resolve this issue:

  • Ensure that the YouTube video is public or its permission settings are set to be accessible to anyone with the link.

If you're encountering a different issue or are unable to troubleshoot the problem using the above solutions, please contact customer support. We're here to help you have a smooth and successful experience with AI Clips.

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